At Galaxy Specialty Pharmacy, we understand that no two patients are alike. Because of your unique needs, the best medical solutions often arise from compounding and specialty medications to create the perfect medication for you.
What separates our pharmacists apart is not only their passion and compassion, but also their training in the art and science of compounding, as well as their specialty in disease management.

Here at Galaxy Specialty Pharmacy we offer one-on-one patient consultation services that allow patients be actively involved in optimizing their own therapeutic outcomes. These 30 and 60-minute sessions with our pharmacists provide patients with the time necessary to be educated about emergent therapy and to provide valuable feedback about their own health. Although we do not prescribe medications, we work closely with the physicians or providers of our patients by making therapy recommendations tailored to the individual.
We understand that some patients have allergies and special needs. By working with providers, we can customize medications to be right for each individual patient, since the "one-size fits all" approach taken by commercially available products is not always appropriate. And in order to meet the needs of your furry family members, we offer custom veterinary prescriptions as well.
It is our mission to only use the finest quality chemicals and state-of-the-art equipment to prepare our patients' compounded medications and nutritional supplements with integrity.
All patients are not the same, and sometimes people need medications in strengths, sizes, and delivery forms that commercial manufactures simply cannot provide. That is where we come in. We prepare prescriptions tailored to your specific needs to make sure that the medication you’re taking is exactly right for you.
Some examples of general compounding services that we offer include:
When a child needs a dose smaller than the manufactured dose
When a patient cannot tolerate an inactive ingredient in a manufactured medicine such as dye, lactose or toxic preservatives
When a manufactured medicine has been discontinued for economic reasons
When a route of administration needs to be altered due to nausea or some other ailment
When a patient needs a stronger dose of medication than is commercially available

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or prescription inquiries. Give us a call at (617) 302-3599, or email us at atlaspharmahealth@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!